Food Production and Distribution
"From farm to fork" describes the integrated food safety policy operating within the UK and EU​.
Having represented food growers and producers, agricultural machinery suppliers, fertiliser providers, crop testing businesses, garden centre owners, importers running cooking plants in Mainland Europe and multiple site restauranteurs operating sites in busy city centres, we understand the challenges facing the food sector.
We have successfully negotiated share sales and purchases across the Food sector, negotiated bank facilities, finalised complex trading agreements and helped obtain investments from private equity providers.
There still is still a huge amount of ignorance amongst some consumers as to how food ends up on their plates. But increasingly knowledge is percolating down as more interest is being shown in the benefit of healthy lifestyles, and a greater realisation is emerging that good food and nutrition is one of the best medicines around.
For many years, Andrew Lindsay was the chair of the Audit and Risk Management Board of The Central Science Laboratory, and subsequently the Food and Environment Regulatory Agency, (both executive agencies of DEFRA - the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). We can accordingly provide advice to you and help you navigate through the complex journey from field to fork.
Track Record
-Sale of Farm Supply Co (UK) Limited to national operator for seven figure sum;
-Chair of the Audit & Risk Management Board of the Central Science Laboratory;
-Chair of the Audit & Risk Management Board of the Food and Environmental Research Agency;
-Sale of national crop testing company, NDSM, to European buyer.