Well, an astonishing night. The Conservative Party is predicted to have an 80 seat majority. The electorate did not fall for Labour's promise of free money, unaffordable giveaways and a re-formed economy based on nationalisation and punishing wealth-creation.
I have always thought that voters would inflict damage on a party that had become overtly anti-semitic, and so it has proved.
Working-class constituencies up and down the land have turned blue, recognising that a strong economy is the best medicine to help improve the prospects of the poorer people in society.
And Brexit has also been a major factor. Remainers and Leavers have sent a message that the nation needs to move on. 'Let's get Brexit done' has had a resonance onto which this country has latched.
This result will lead to an influx of foreign investment which should help counteract the short term economic downturn which will inevitably occur as the UK detaches itself from EU institutions and strikes new trade deals around the world.
My view is that the size of this victory will actually help the United Kingdom to conclude sensible trading arrangements with Europe. After all, we are a net importer of goods and services. It would be counter-productive of Brussels to try to administer a punishment beating to the UK.....They would only end up hurting themselves.
One of the most interesting questions for me, is not: 'what will Boris now do?;' but 'how will Labour react?' The UK is not a socialist country. If Labour continues to be self-indulgent, talking only to itself, it will allow the Tories to occupy the centre-ground politics for a very long time to come.