Sector Expertise
Over the years, one of the things we have learned, is that businesses and shareholders seek advisers who speak their language, understand their needs, don't complicate things and have a great track record of getting things done, on time and on budget. That is where we come in. And, if we don’t think we are the best people to handle a particular assignment for you, we will help you find someone whom we think can do it better than us.
Some of the sectors in which we have particular expertise, include the following:
It is a myth that the UK doesn’t make anything anymore. We are an outward facing economy, employing 5.7 million people in the engineering sector and 2.6 million in manufacturing, with many more people engaged in our extensive supply chains. The UK is a global top ten manufacturing nation, with an international reputation for quality and ingenuity.

Increasing environmental protection is now a one way street. Businesses that care for the environment and adopt good forms of corporate governance are increasingly the most sustainable. And having high ethical standards attracts the best customers, suppliers and employees.

‘You are what you eat.’
Realisation is emerging that good nutrition is one of the best medicines around. The UK is continuing to attract global capital into its food production and distribution sectors.
We are one of the UK's leading experts in advising owners and operators of care and nursing homes on operational, regulatory and M&A issues. In spite of current turbulent conditions in the marketplace, the sector continues to attract a substantial amount of interest.

The hotel, hospitality, and leisure sectors are huge and complex. They provide incredible choice and opportunity to visitors and customers, and to operators and owners, both from within the UK and overseas.
Representation UK’s long track record of undertaking work across the globe, makes us a perfect partner for international businesses wanting advice from within the United Kingdom.

As a trustee of one of Yorkshire’s largest syndicated property groups, with over £100m under management, Andrew Lindsay has accumulated considerable knowledge in the world of commercial and industrial property.
With considerable experience in transaction-based work in science, technology, ICT and medical, and with experience of having represented numerous science park-based clients, Representation UK is well placed to assist businesses across these dynamic sectors

We know that football chairmen, in particular, walk a fine line between trying to bring success on the pitch, whilst retaining some sanity on a club’s balance sheet. It is no easy task and we take our hat off to you all.
Helped by high levels of ingenuity, hard work and skill, the UK hosts a huge and dynamic professional services economy, which is the envy of the world. In spite of continuing global uncertainty, the UK is still regarded as one of the safest harbours in which to invest.